Just about a month to go until Savannah Rock and/or Roll Marathon. Training has been hit or miss with this residency leaving me barely enough time to eat and groom myself. Have started to work up the weekend runs based on time, with the intent of building some endurance/getting used to being on my feet longer. Today did 1.5 hours which ended up being 9 miles. Each week I will go up half an hour for my long run and top off at 3 hours before tapering down. Today's run was a success, I had extra gas in the tank and held myself back so as to not overdo it. This leaves me confidence that I'll be able to hack it at longer runs and hopefully race day. Still feeling good about the Nike Free Run+ 2/DryMax Socks combo. As far as pace, I'm a little slower than I'd like on my long runs, about 10 min/mile including pit stops. I imagine this will improve working up to race day and on race day when I'm ODing on adrenaline. The goal is <4 hours or 9 min miles, which is lofty for an undertrained amateur's first marathon. If I can't make it happen, I won't be crushed. The event itself looks to be a lot of fun with live bands, tens of thousands of spectators, and a sold-out running field. It should be a fun day regardless of the outcome. I'm excited it's finally cooling off here.